Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Brindavin is everything... I feel like im in the capitl spiritual city. everyone greets you with Hari Krishner, Hari Bol, Radhe Radhe - shopkeepers, beggers alike. -
Its like a tiny version of Varanasi but cleaner and less people - but there are very smelly areas - sadly along the road by the yamuna , which has been excavated - badly for a bridge - which is being fought by thelocals - if they kept the noisy cars and vehicals away it would be a really special place. There are over 4000 temples here not sure if all worship Krisna but I guess so. There are thousands of monkeys - you cant wear sunglasses or walk around with a plastic bag as they'll swip them. constantly see them with a sandal or a hat...

Revenge for the humans stealing their jungle.

So i'm staying in a very beauiful ashram / temple opposite the Yamuna - its like a palace but its freezing cold inside. i'm going to stay until Thursday when i meet the Pope of Krishna consciousnesss (he's 90) - Guru Dev.

I eat in the ashram but i'm permanently starving - breakfast is sweet so have to go without -andthere are no cafes near by - only street carts with deep fried goodies - but not good for my stomach. Its super hot outside and so many flies. and everyone wears sarees including the westerners - I cant believe I bought so many sarees in Mysore and didnt keep one whole one..

You cant wear sunglasses, hats or carry plastic bags around (let alone food) - the monkeys steal it - Its like being initiated into Brindavin - which I feel I now have been as I was stolen from by a naughty monkey who mustve been watching me buy my lotus snack - he followed me two steps out of the shop then snatched my carrier bag. Now i hide my goodies, get blinded by the sun and wear a scarf over my head for the heat. Ysteray I saw two people have their glasses taken by the monkeys - they have to buy biscuits or fruit and throw it to the monkeys who run around so excited - eventually they throw the glasses back.. its v funny but not ifyou cant see to get yr glasses back. !

THere was a time when the really handsome men all turned gay - now they're Bramacharyas - basically Krishna Monks. Travelling around the world preaching as single men (they're not all handsome but one or two are but it writes better that way).

Also now the next development in India to beat Terrorism is that you have to have ID to use the internet in a cafe!. what next.

I'm doing my divine service at the ashram today I assisted in the kitchen - which is great - cooking with the indians - we made parathas (stuffed chapatis with potato) but so many things were being cooked i've not quite got the recipe - few more times will be great. and i you dont have to wash up if you do the prep. we even have naughty monkeys sneaking into the shram and creating havoc - one walked up to us eating lunch on the floor and stole a paratha off someone's dish...

I was walking around the streets yesterday after going to the ATM (took 3 days to get some cash as they were always empty) I must have asked so many people the way and they all gave a different direction sending me round and round in cirles . 3x i walked past the same woman sitting outside her house. Eventually i had to ask Krishna to guide me and finally i walked down the right road - i was only 2 mins away from where I needed to be ! pah.

Today March 11th is Ekadasi - a fasting day - no grains, no green leafs -who makes up these silly Krishna diets had no dietary experience but anyway I tried to follow to see if i could do it apparently meditation is deeper if we dont eat so heavy foods!... so a few almonds for breakfast (and a few lotus puffs). potato stew for lunch. with buckwheat for pudding sweetened - but i decided to eat it - i was ravenous after a few potatoes - we were in an ashram in Goverdam - seeing the 90 year old Self-Realised being Guru Dev . He's a very special man - more divine that the Pope will ever be. evening meal was - ah for my hungry tummy -not until 8pm and it was yeah more potatoes but fried this time - i must have eaten a whole pan full and peanuts - not for me. i ate a tangerine and a few figs after - fruit is allowed.

Today lunch was a feast to make up for it. and I bought a long skirt - the first one ever.. i hope i wear it I think its quite cool and itll be ok in a cold place too.

Throat lurgy clearing up but defo need to move to a room with hot water.